International Trade & Logistics
E-commerce platforms such as Lazada and Amazon have made it incredibly easy and convenient for us to shop online. With more consumers turning to e-commerce for all their needs, and international trade increasing exponentially, the demand for logistics professionals has never been greater.
Whether it’s an interest in business innovation or being equipped with the planning and analytical skills required to manage logistics operations, this course has you covered.
Your industry readiness will be ensured through a firm foundation in business studies and specialised training in essential supply chain functions such as freight forwarding operations and supply management.
A holistic learning environment will also help develop your communication and group collaboration skills whilst providing exciting opportunities for real-world industry projects, overseas study trips and internships.
Get the opportunity to attain the below certification(s) throughout the course of your study:
ICDL Asia Digital Skillsets Certification
Medical Logistics in Pandemics offered by HELP Logistics, a subsidiary of Kuhne Foundations
SAP Global Certification (Selected students who took the subject, Enterprise Resource Management)
Certificate in Applying IMDG Code by Singapore Logistics Association (Applicable for WorldSkills Competition competitor)
Career Opportunities
Accounts Management
Business / Supply Chain / Trade Analysis
Customer Service /
Contract Specialist
IMaterial Planning
Purchaser / Procurement
Logistician / Supply Chain Specialist