Environmental & Marine Science

What You Will Learn

Be at the forefront in protecting the environment and marine life for the future generations!

Climate change presents a host of challenges to humanity. These include increased wildfires, rising sea levels, declining clean water supplies, reduced agricultural and seafood yields, and disease outbreaks. Passionate in making a positive impact amidst these challenges? Join us to become the next generation of leaders in sustainability!

Through the Environmental and Marine Science , you will be equipped with knowledge in an extensive range of topics such as earth and climate science, terrestrial and marine ecology, environmental data analysis, environmental management, sustainability reporting, and circular economy. You will also gain essential knowledge and skills to help you conserve and manage complex ecosystems through interactions with terrestrial and aquatic wildlife during external field trips and visits to RP Rain Garden and aquaculture research facility, Aquaria.

Specialisation tracks in Environmental Management and Technology or Aquaculture Technology which you choose in your second year, will prepare you for fast-paced roles at the forefront of developing sustainable environmental and aquaculture solutions. Gain hands-on experiences through industry attachments in organisations such as Mandai Wildlife Group, S.E.A. Aquarium, Tropical and Marine Science Institute , National Environment Agency and National Parks Board.

Career Opportunities

You can look forward to enriching careers in environmental, water services, petrochemical and semiconductor sectors, fisheries, oceanariums, wildlife and marine parks and reserves, research institutes as well as government agencies. Get ready to take on roles such as:

  • Aquarist

  • Aquatic Facility Manager

  • Aquaculture Technologist

  • Conservation and Outreach Executive

  • Environmental Control and Environmental Service Officer

  • Environmental Health and Safety Technician

  • Laboratory Technologist

  • Operations Technician / Executive

  • Parks Officer